[NLP] 데이터셋 가져오기
Sentiment Analysis of all Billboard Hot 100 Songs Over Time (1958–2019) https://towardsdatascience.com/sentiment-analysis-of-all-billboard-hot-100-songs-over-time-1958-2019-3329439e7c1a
Programming for Cultural Heritage - Demo: Working with Genius.com API https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CokKFmDnDtw -> 가사를 불러오는데 사용되는 API
해당 깃헙: https://github.com/johnwmillr/LyricsGenius
Sentiment Analysis of all Billboard Hot 100 Songs Over Time (1958–2019)의 진행 과정
- LyricsGenius의 API를 바탕으로 가사를 가져온다
- textBlob.sentiment.polarity를 이용해서 감정을 찾아낸다
- 이를 바탕을 keywords를 찾는다 …
TextBlob uses NLTK The input contains a single sentence. The output of TextBlob is polarity and subjectivity.
Polarity that is one of the output score lies between -1 to 1 where -1 identifies the most negative words and 1 identifies the most positive words.
Subjectivity score lies between 0 and 1. It shows the amount of personal opinion. So, if a sentence has high subjectivity close to 1, it resembles that the text contains more personal opinion than factual information.
해당 글에 TextBlob은 왜 그런 감정 점수가 나왔는지 정확히 알고 싶어서 VADER 을 사용했다고 함.
VADER의 경우는 neg, neu, pos로 구분되고 얼마나 pos, neg, neu인지를 알려준다고 한다. The output from VADER comes in a Python dictionary in which we have four keys and their corresponding values. => four keys: ‘neg’, ‘neu’, ‘pos’, and ‘compound’ which stands for Negative, Neutral, and Positive respectively.
최종적으로 TextBlob과 vader을 비교해보니까 TextBlob가 좀더 부정적인 경향으로 감정을 분석한다는 것을 알게 됨.
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데이터셋 찾기
처음에 결정했던 빌보드 데이터셋(노래, 가수,,만 나와있던 파일)을 기준으로 API를 사용해도 괜찮을 것 같다는 생각이 들었다.
근데! song을 기준으로 32만개정도 있었는데 중복을 없애니까 2만5천개정도만,,남음,,,이게 맞아?????????????????????
여튼 일단 2만개라도 해보자
기존에 정했던 billboard100 데이터셋과 genius API를 사용해서 데이터를 불러올 예정이다.
노래 기준으로 중복을 없애면 32만 개에서 2만 5천개가 되는데 이게 맞아,,,,,,,,,,?
여튼,,근데 내 컴이 이상한 건지는 모르겠지만 한 번에 돌릴려고 시도해봤는데, 5000개 하는데 5시간 걸림,,,그냥 가사만 불러오는데,, 이게 맞아 ㅋ? 그래서 몇 개씩 분리해서 데이터를 가져오고 한 번에 합치는 방안으로 코드를 작성함!
sample → 10개씩 분리 → join
[ 목표 ] : billboard_data.csv 얘랑 합치기 → 안 맞는 columns 가 있어서 최소한의 데이터만 가지고 합쳐야 될 듯,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
[ 데이터셋 길이 ] : (24436, 7)
# 분리
import csv
import os
import pandas as pd
temp_df = pd.read_csv('./charts.csv', index_col=False)
temp_df.drop_duplicates(subset='song', inplace=True)
testTemp1_df = temp_df.iloc[0:10, 0:]
testTemp2_df = temp_df.iloc[10:20, 0:]
testTemp1_df.to_csv("billboard_sample1.csv", index=False)
testTemp2_df.to_csv("billboard_sample2.csv", index=False)
genius 토큰 필요 ⇒ 공유해도 되려나,,?
# sample 1 담당
# install modules
pip install lyricsgenius
pip install vaderSentiment
pip install pandas
import lyricsgenius
from vaderSentiment.vaderSentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
import pandas as pd
# Function to return song lyrics
def get_lyrics(title, artist):
return genius.search_song(title, artist).lyrics
return 'not found'
# Function to return sentiment score of each song
def get_lyric_sentiment(lyrics):
sentiment = sid_obj.polarity_scores(lyrics)
return sentiment
genius = lyricsgenius.Genius(
sid_obj = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
"""sample: billboard_sample1.csv / actual: charts.csv"""
billboard100_1_df = pd.read_csv('billboard_sample1.csv')
billboard100_1_df = billboard100_1_df.drop(
['rank', 'last-week', 'peak-rank', 'weeks-on-board'], axis=1)
billboard100_1_df.drop_duplicates(subset='song', inplace=True)
# 노래 가사 불러오기
lyics1 = billboard100_1_df.apply(lambda row: get_lyrics(
row['song'], row['artist']), axis=1)
billboard100_1_df['lyrics'] = lyics1
# not found 제거
billboard100_1_df = billboard100_1_df.drop(
billboard100_1_df[billboard100_1_df['lyrics'] == 'not found'].index)
# Use get_lyric_sentiment to get sentiment score for all the song lyrics
sentiment1 = billboard100_1_df.apply(
lambda row: get_lyric_sentiment(row['lyrics']), axis=1)
for i in billboard100_1_df.index.tolist():
billboard100_1_df.loc[i, 'neg_sentiment'] = sentiment1[i]['neg']
billboard100_1_df.loc[i, 'neu_sentiment'] = sentiment1[i]['neu']
billboard100_1_df.loc[i, 'pos_sentiment'] = sentiment1[i]['pos']
billboard100_1_df.loc[i, 'com_sentiment'] = sentiment1[i]['compound']
billboard100_1_df.to_csv("billboard_dataset.csv", index=False)
# sample 2 담당
# install modules
pip install lyricsgenius
pip install vaderSentiment
pip install pandas
import lyricsgenius
from vaderSentiment.vaderSentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
import pandas as pd
# Function to return song lyrics
def get_lyrics(title, artist):
return genius.search_song(title, artist).lyrics
return 'not found'
# Function to return sentiment score of each song
def get_lyric_sentiment(lyrics):
sentiment = sid_obj.polarity_scores(lyrics)
return sentiment
genius = lyricsgenius.Genius(
sid_obj = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
"""sample: billboard_sample2.csv / actual: charts.csv"""
billboard100_2_df = pd.read_csv('billboard_sample2.csv')
billboard100_2_df = billboard100_2_df.drop(
['rank', 'last-week', 'peak-rank', 'weeks-on-board'], axis=1)
billboard100_2_df.drop_duplicates(subset='song', inplace=True)
# 노래 가사 불러오기
lyrics2 = billboard100_2_df.apply(lambda row: get_lyrics(
row['song'], row['artist']), axis=1)
billboard100_2_df['lyrics'] = lyrics2
# not found 제거
billboard100_2_df = billboard100_2_df.drop(
billboard100_2_df[billboard100_2_df['lyrics'] == 'not found'].index)
# Use get_lyric_sentiment to get sentiment score for all the song lyrics
sentiment2 = billboard100_2_df.apply(
lambda row: get_lyric_sentiment(row['lyrics']), axis=1)
for i in billboard100_2_df.index.tolist():
billboard100_2_df.loc[i, 'neg_sentiment'] = sentiment2[i]['neg']
billboard100_2_df.loc[i, 'neu_sentiment'] = sentiment2[i]['neu']
billboard100_2_df.loc[i, 'pos_sentiment'] = sentiment2[i]['pos']
billboard100_2_df.loc[i, 'com_sentiment'] = sentiment2[i]['compound']
billboard100_2_df.to_csv("billboard_sample2.csv", index=False)
# join
import pandas as pd
temp1_df = pd.read_csv('billboard_sample1.csv', index_col=False)
temp2_df = pd.read_csv('billboard_sample2.csv', index_col=False)
final_df = pd.concat([temp1_df, temp2_df], ignore_index=True)